February 10, 2021
Board members present:
Lindsay Semph
Angie Yarusso
Andy Distel
Mary Nisi
Amanda Bull
Jamie Militello
Joanna Miner
Start Time: 7:34pm
Intro & welcome
Follow Up On Actions from last meeting
Thank you Joanna for writing the 2020 donors letter & Thank you Jamie for reviewing the translation.
Website updates
Website Spanish Translation: COMPLETE - $100 give card was sent to J Adams Oaks - Andy’s referral.
Spanish Home Page is set up
Donation letter - waiting for Spanish translation review
Continue integrating Spanish speaking families into FOGS activities = priority
Collect a list of things we want to showcase FOGS has contributed to the school to update copy on the website - Nicole & Genevra - need to get this updated on the website.
Finance Update - Genevra
Financial Update
Cash In: $145,790
GGT Profit Loss Statement: $4019 (missing $1700 in ticket sales)
List of 2020 donors who wrote checks
Initiatives Status /Updates:
Cookbook Committee - Mary
Recipes submitted ~60
Pictures for recipes - could be of the recipe, could be another related photo; send to
How long will we allow it to be digital? Need to figure that out
Fundraising efforts - cook book sales and Raffle prizes -, Chef led zoom parties, Kitchen items
Next Steps - figure out what help is needed to pull this together (Mary); get template set up (Rick); get more photos for recipes; Cook Book Committee folks to drop into template
Goethe community cook book recipe that we all try and share pictures a la Nailed It - Mr. Davis would help
Goethe’s Got Talent - Angie - was a huge success!
39 performers (music, dance, comedy, & magic)
$2700 raised in ticket donations
~15% of tickets were donated $
$4000 raised from Snack Packs @ Fresh Market Place
180 families showed up to watch - video is posted HERE
Snack Packs are available - only sold 30
Results of the post-event questionnaire - gym chairs got the most votes; will ask Mr. Elmasri to share out to broader community to get more responses
New Annex Building - Amanda - need to investigate where Goethe is on the list for a new building
Recruitment - Joanna - no update
In the future, could table at FMP on weekend, make flyers to add to grocery stores/daycares/LSQ movie theatre/etc - Joanna will figure out content and have LSC weigh in
LSQ farmers market eventually again
LSQ Chamber of Commerce would add to their newsletter
Next steps: pull content together for next meeting and discuss ways to advertise
STEAM - Angie
Potential science challenge for all grades - waiting on all Barb approval
Walk Bike Run A-Thon - Andy
Consider for spring; start planning after cook book is kind of squared away; probably a May/early June event
Goethe Game Night, Goethe Fest, Goethe Apparel/Merch Shop
On hold for now
FOGS Funding Requests For Approval:
Science kits that were approved in the last meeting are being ordered
Gym Chairs & Storage Racks Total: $10,739.49
Chairs: $9,229.44
Storage Racks : $1510.05
Angie moves to approve, Andy seconds
Vote passes 7-0
Mr. Davis Technology Request: $3137.65
looking for mobile instruction to do hybrid teaching, outdoor teaching; chrome books aren’t strong enough and can’t run as many tabs/programs as necessary, would allow for even more innovative instruction -- MacBook Air and Smart TV will make this possible, Principal Kargas suggested submitting a FOGS request; needs are aligned to the science standards; will help make the document camera experience more impactful; TV could be mobile as well; this is a purchase for Goethe school
VIZIO 75-inch P-Series Quantum X 4K UHD LED HDR Smart TV: $1,598
13-inch MacBook Air - Space Gray Total $1,539.56
Move to approve funds: Jamie; Angie seconded
Vote approved: 7-0
Principal request: New Employee - Handle safety protocol for lunch, recess, and addition duties needed throughout the day. Total cost: $7,865.
Need: New pandemic health and safety protocols required by CDC require additional adult supervision and support.
Proposed Solution: The school has been granted two cadres and three misc. employees. The cadres are on call to cover teacher accommodations, leaves, and day to day absences. The misc. employees can be used for supervision and classroom support. In addition, the school has budgeted from school funds for two additional hourly employees for more support. If we hire one more additional hourly employee then we better address our recess and lunch supervisors and alleviate some time in the day for other staff members, such as administration, dual language coordinators, social workers, counselors, security, and clerks to attend to their other duties.
Cost: 6.75 hrs a day @ $15 hour rate for 15 weeks. Total cost: $7,865.
This would get us from now until the end of school year
This should be a part of the LSC discussion -- FOGS is in agreement and willing to vote on it but we need to make sure we follow LSC protocol before we vote and approve funds; Rick will add to LSC agenda
Digital Marquee - Pausing for now until we get better community perspective (survey)
Need Help With:
Please help drive social engagement on our posts - like, comment and share - great progress so far, keep it up!
Printing or emailing donors who wrote checks or contributed cash
Getting raffle item donations for our cookbook and science efforts
Close of meeting - 9:21pm