June 8, 2022
Lindsay Semph
Joy Tennent
Joanna Miner
Gabrielle Slough-Cummings
Nicole Delesandro
Caitlin Sobotka
Amanda Eich
Enrique Cruz
Tracy Swartz
Justin Hollister
Funding Requests
Uniforms for sports - Erica to present to FOGS
At this point, still waiting for the formal request
Potentially a vote online
Per Nicole, there is potential for Goethe to submit a grant request
Nicole will make the connection and draft a proposal
Gabe to pull together numbers for proposal
Nicole to follow up with Erica to get feedback
Gabe will make connection via email between Nicole and Erica
Chairs Update
Genevra - treasurer
Gabe to follow up with Genevra to get update by the LSC meeting
Working through checks and Zelle payments
In future, need to ensure that multiple contacts are able to deposit checks
Cait - GGT
Have a lineup of kids at this point, 15-16 performers in the lineup (around 25 total individuals)
Need volunteers for Friday and Saturday (9-11), Gabe shared the signupgenius
In the future (2023), could we wrap this into Goethe Fest?
Event will be held outdoors
No current refreshments, we can plan to have lemonade and small rice krispie treats
Gabe/Lindsay - GFest
Need volunteers
Getting date from Nader
Sending for approval through LSC tomorrow
Priority for the event is to at least break even and should have fundraising element
Can we get rid of the cost of the stage element and focus further on games and tickets for revenue?
Add focus further on the community nature of the event
Educate on volunteer opportunities for newcomers
Free moving activities would be the priority
Could we do a beer tent or grilling?
School of Rock is looking for opportunities which we could pull in for the event
Gabe to send budget to Rick ahead of meeting tomorrow
Joanna and Amanda are creating an enrollment folder for new Kindergartners for information
Could leave some in the office or add for supply pickup
Could create an electronic version to distribute/post as well
Looking to get physical copies ahead of GFest
Advertising incoming Pre-K play dates and looking to involve families in running them
Had been working on a quote for a tent, but 6 tents were recently approved and there may be branding on it
July elections
Could we do an in-person meeting?
Looking to recruit new people
Decide on primary programming (prioritizing gfest first)
Can we outline priorities for fundraising and spending?
Discussed some of the events this year and look to document success and lessons learned
Need to take a longer view of the calendar of events
Can be more intentional about our partnership and how we fundraise
Need to send thank you cards for fundraising contributions
Gabe to follow up on this item with content suggestion with Amanda