Friends of Goethe School (FOGS)
Monthly Meeting Minutes
March 3, 2025
Location: Goethe Library
Jen Morales-Crye, President
Ashlee Cuza Villanti, First Vice President
Elizabeth Leong, Second Vice President
Genevra Knight, Treasurer
Sara McCradden, Secretary
Mari Fair, Board Member
Stephanie Galioto, Board Member
Vanessa Gonzales, Board Member - Not present
Kim Kappelman, Board Member
Mandalyn Renicker, Board Member
Month in Review
Ms Duarte received flex seating (classroom and teacher support)
Ms Lopez received headphones (classroom and teacher support)
Executive Updates
Dine and Donate
Lou Malnati's raised $169
Jersey Mikes is set for March 18-20, also has teacher discount
Pending LSC approval:
Old Plank (with mother's day craft) on May 8
Jeni's Ice Cream social on June 11th
Potentially Skokie Water Park over the summer. Mari is reaching out to water park
Treasurer's Report
Donation Letters & Tax Documents
Sent as required (thank you, Mari!)
Sara to follow up with recurring donations to have them convert from Wix
Remaining Funds
STEAM: About 1K remaining in bucket + $952 we are holding from last year. Genevra and Jen to work together to to determine exact amount. Remaining will be given to STEAM group for them to self-manage
Overall remaining in budget is about 14.5K to be spent. Final funding items to be discussed at next meeting.
In general, FOGS should not hold money for other groups. To be discussed with LSC.
Via email, we will decide whether to extend Wix for another year, move to school-based website. Ashlee will discuss with Elmasri.
Newsletters will move back to monthly, too much information for quarterly
Bucket Filling
Last Tuesday = Teacher breakfast. Well received. Dark Matter donated coffee.
Counseling staff received hot choc and marshmallows last month.
SECAs will be celebrated in April
Admin Day in April
Teacher Appreciation Day in May
2x pre-K open houses upcoming, both have waitlists
K welcome party on April 14th
Fundraising Report-Outs
La Noche Loteria
Agora Market, Julie O Herrera, Dr. Brian Rosett, Perennial Counseling, Fuzzy Urban Tails, Will Guzzarti as newly confirmed sponsors. About 16K in sponsorships secured.
50% of tickets have been sold, 75 tickets remaining. FOGS members to check GiveSmart for current ticket holders.
Fun Run
All kids have been entered into database and reconciled
Shortly finalizing prizes
Hope to roll out to students before Spring Break
Volunteer Opportunities:
Coordinate Dine and Donates
Committees for Fun Run and Goethe Fest
Upcoming Calendar of Events
3/14 La Noche Loteria at Pilot Project
3/18-20 Jersey Mike's Dine and Donate
4/25 Fun Run
5/8 Tentative Old Plank Dine and Donate
6/13 Tentative Jeni's Ice Cream Dine and Donate
Fall 2025 Goethe Fest (pending LSC approval)
Meeting Dates
April 7th
May 5th
June 2nd