Wednesday, November 11, 2020, 7:30pm
Intro & welcome to all attendees - 7:35pm start
Board members present:
Angie Yarusso
Lindsay Semph
Jamie Militello
Omari Bektemba
Mary Nisi
Joanna Miner
Hilary Scharmann
Nicole Dalesandro
Genevra Knight
Derek Becker
Andy Distel
Amanda Bull (7:39pm)
Follow Up On Actions from last meeting
Omari sent teacher and principal appreciation dates
Website Updates have begun - email database is migrated and first email was sent via Wix. Additional work begins this week.
If you haven’t received an email that went out, please subscribe through the FOGS new website
Website will include a place for volunteer opportunities
Survey & parent outreach - Nader connected Angie with BAC and PAC leaders so we can start sharing efforts and getting more insight from the bilingual community.
Meeting w/BAC & PAC next Tuesday to share initiatives, also were invited to our meeting tonight. The Tuesday meeting is 1pm; Andy will join Angie
Solidarity Fund - Concept - waiting on Barb’s input
Jamie and Nicole helped with how to handle this
3 key things Admin wants: Food for families in need, funds for families in need, and clothing for families in need - Barb has a decent amount of little kids’ clothes but in need of older kids’ clothes; we could use that can share what’s in need and wouldn’t commingle with FOGS accounts; Admin is asking us to help with especially with sharing out, not us actually doing the legwork
We can add the school’s logo to the flyer and not the FOGS one because it’s not a FOGS initiative
Different partners are on like Kohl’s
Would it be better to connect Goethe to orgs like Cradle to Crayons who do this for a living? We could reach more families that way. Lots of options -- we’re advocates helping and trying to get others involved
Jamie will reach out to Cradle to Crayons to see if they could add Goethe to the list
Initiatives Status /Updates:
New Annex Building - Jamie & Amanda
As a committee, we did the thank you letter
Could we get kids saying thank you in a video?
Recruitment - Joanna
Went really well virtually, definitely went better the second time; will jazz it up more in the spring after acceptance letters go out; planning on doing a video too
Hillary and Joanna will connect about this
STEAM - Angie
Waiting on feedback to come in from teachers
Fresh Market Sponsorship
Fresh Market is IN on sponsoring ALL of our fundraising events AND wants to help us get $40k through his communities! We would get space in the store to sell things like tickets or a donation centers; we have access to his store that we could help with
Could have a weekly recipe feature from the cookbook
Need to think about how we want to leverage this
Could use Fresh Market parking lot for a drive in event, would supply snack bags for families for our events, etc (Goethe’s Got Talent could be popcorn, candy bar, apples, etc)
PNC Bank would also be able to be leveraged
Cookbook Committee - Mary
Met last night; there’s a cookbook fundraiser site we’re looking to use
how we made the yearbooks is what we can use to use this; will definitely need a proof of concept first (have an annual subscription for the yearbook program)
Made a recipe form for folks to fill out; will need someone to translate into Spanish; 75 pages, 200 books, online companion, potential YouTube channel
Price: pay-what-you-can for our immediate Goethe community
Deadline: Feb 1 for recipes and have them ready by April 21 Report Card pick-up
We could sell ad space or get local restaurants to share recipes; ad space could be sold to parents to send little shout outs for their kids.
How do we get kids as involved as possible? Could ask them to edit YouTube videos, do a contest for the cover
Next step - write the copy about how we want to tell people about what this is and add to the website
Rick will be working on branding pieces for all of our great fundraisers
Will need to ask teachers, other Goethe parent groups to help with sharing
Walk Bike Run A-Thon - Omari
Working on scheduling a meeting still
This is likely something for springtime
Goethe’s Got Talent - Angie
Refined Concept - click for details
Saturday, Jan 23, 2pm
Goethe Game Night - Angie
Haven’t had a meeting yet, but Derek started pulling together a draft
Angie will schedule a call for next week to start pulling pieces together; need to figure out the best way to coordinate this logistically
Goethe Fest - Rick & Derek
Mary offered her sound and DJ expertise and materials; Mary and Rick will connect to figure out what we need from the sound/light contracted individual and what Mary can provide
Let’s wait until January to really kick off planning since social distancing will really control what we can and can’t do
Goethe space isn’t maybe as easy to navigate than a parking lot like Fresh Market; Goethe has ~26000 sq ft of usable playground space (but some is dirt)
LSC would have to vote on the event
Apparel Design & Merch Shop - Hillary
No movement here yet, Hillary is working on it
Finance Update - Genevra:
Total assets after gift cards given to teachers: $131,304.92
Recent revenue: $7500 of sponsorship revenue from last fiscal year because it’s something that came in late for LBOTS
Sales of the yearbooks: $810
Costs: printing charges related to yearbook; flex seating purchases, ipads, STEAM items for Library, and Amazon gift cards = $17,715 spent so far; still waiting on the volleyball net system which will be a few thousand dollars
Angie will share financials at monthly LSC meetings for transparency purposes; Angie or Genevra will get FOGS report to LSC 48 hours in advance of each meeting; finances are and will also be available publicly via monthly meeting minutes on website
Considering a year-end org report that includes financial aspects
FOGS Funding Requests:
Follow up from last years requests (all need quotes to propose a vote)
New chairs for the gym
Rolling floor cover for the gym
Risers for the stage
Do we want to do a social push for Giving Tuesday on Facebook?
Angie proposes a vote on a social push for Giving Tuesday since Facebook will match all donations
Andy seconds
Vote passes, 12-0
Main & Principal office needs
Smart TV for presentations in conference room
Meeting close: 9:33pm